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Early learning starts at birth. Help your child develop the fundamental skills and knowledge that will lead to his future academic and life success. Learn how to support your child's learning each week and discover engaging play activities that are "just right" for his early education.

Your Child's Development & Learning

Look Out! I Know How to Use My Hands Now!}

Small Muscle Movement and Dexterity, Controlled Movement

Look Out! I Know How to Use My Hands Now!

From his first wild, clumsy hand motions, your baby is beginning to gain control over those wiggly noodles and use them to start reaching for objects that interest him. Give him soft toys to explore, rotating them to keep his interest, or place them just beyond his reach to encourage him to grab for it. If he starts to eat solid foods at the end of this period, keep in mind that self-feeding is a good way for him to practice his Small Muscle Movement and Dexterity. Items that are soft and easy to swallow (since he won't be chewing), such as small pieces of banana, cooked and cooled sweet potato or carrots, and dissolvable cereal puffs, are safe options for this activity.

Has your baby achieved the following Small Muscle Movement and Dexterity and Controlled Movement developmental milestones yet? If yes, check off all the skill(s) he has already mastered to date!

Sources: This development milestone tracker is not a learning disability screening tool or test. If you have any questions related to your child's development and learning abilities, please speak to your pediatrician and care providers for guidance and resources.