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Early learning starts at birth. Help your child develop the fundamental skills and knowledge that will lead to his future academic and life success. Learn how to support your child's learning each week and discover engaging play activities that are "just right" for his early education.

Your Child's Development & Learning

Get Ready, Get Set, Write!! }

Early Writing

Get Ready, Get Set, Write!!

Your child has been experimenting with writing, the physical act of creating marks to convey a message, for quite some time now. He very likely started with chunky crayons, finger paint, and other easy-to-use materials. But as his fine motor skills have developed further, he's now able to use proper writing utensils, like pencils, pens, and markers for his scribbles. You may see him holding his pencil with a pincer grasp, instead of his whole fist, or you may even see him use a proper grip. You'll also see your child using these materials with more ease and control, creating letters and pictures that may now be more recognizable to you. Encourage his early writing wherever you can by making it easy for him to access his writing supplies and incorporating it into play, like letting him sign cards, write letters to send, or take your order at his "restaurant."

Has your child achieved the following Early Writing developmental milestones yet? If yes, check off all of the skill(s) he has already mastered to date.

Sources: This development milestone tracker is not a learning disability screening tool or test. If you have any questions related to your child's development and learning abilities, please speak to your pediatrician and care providers for guidance and resources.