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Your Child's Development & Learning

Have I Got a Story For You! Improved Speech and Memory Helps Your Child Become a Storyteller }

Expressive Language

Have I Got a Story For You! Improved Speech and Memory Helps Your Child Become a Storyteller

Your child's memory and speaking ability continue to improve, so he is soon able to tell a longer story using full, complete sentences. He may retell a story from a favorite book, including many details about the characters, setting, and action. He may also tell you a story about his day, such as an interesting thing that happened at school or during a trip to the store. If you ask for further details, He will likely provide them at great length! Continue to model complex adult language (as opposed to baby talk) for him and enjoy stories together that expose him to new vocabulary.

Has your child achieved the following Expressive Language developmental milestones yet? If yes, check off all of the skill(s) he has already mastered to date.

Sources: This development milestone tracker is not a learning disability screening tool or test. If you have any questions related to your child's development and learning abilities, please speak to your pediatrician and care providers for guidance and resources.