Can My Analytical Albert Love Arts and Play Sports?

Can My Analytical Albert Love Arts and Play Sports?

[This is post is part of our “What Kind of Preschooler Do You Have?” quiz. To find out what kind of learner your child is, click here to take the quiz!] Now that you know your child’s an Analytical Albert, what does that mean? Here are the most frequently asked questions about the logic-based learning style we receive from parents. Keep in mind that being aware of your child’s strengths in a particular learning style does not mean he should be limited to specific activities or approaches to learning. Most children love to play, laugh, dance, and learn new things, regardless of their learning styles. So be sure to support a balanced approach to learning in order to give your little one a variety of opportunities to uncover his many talents and interests that will help him become the very best that he can be!

As a logical thinker, could my child be a late, or slow, reader?

It is important to never make assumptions about a child’s capabilities – the sky is the limit! An analytical mind does not necessarily mean that your child will struggle with literacy, and “language” can come in many different forms, including images, body movements, and gestures, and even the massive spread of commuter science languages! And don’t forget that learning to read involves decoding and building language through phonetic sounds and print letters arrangements. So you can help build your child’s reading skills by focusing reading with phonics and building word games.

Can my Analytical Albert appreciate the arts?

Yes! Your child can develop a deep appreciation for the arts, especially works that express more logical features, including the complicated uses of shapes and geometry, sequence, and patterns. Not to mention that the popularity of computer animation in the film industry has created a perfect world for an Analytical Albert to explore and express his own creativity!

Does this mean he could be doomed to have two left feet?

Not at all; while many Analytical Alberts are generally drawn to solo, sedentary activities, you may have no problem drawing your child into active physical experiences by focusing on the strategies of game play and the mechanics and precision of throwing a ball through a hoop! You may also find your child delighting in the act of analyzing his personal statistics and creating goals to reach new heights. So be sure to try these tactics, because it’s important to encourage him to keep physically active to receive endless physical and emotional benefits!

How can I inspire my little Analytical Albert?

Your child probably loves patterns, numbers, and counting! You can stimulate his mind by making everyday activities into mathematical challenges – count how many red cars you see during a walk around the block, search for patterns in nature, or have him help you with counting money at the grocery store. Activities like these may feel much more like play to him than learning!

Don’t know if your child’s an Analytical Albert or another kind of learner? Not a problem! Click here to take our “What Kind of Preschooler Do I Have?” quiz.

Playful Bee

Education Team at Playful Bee
Playful Bee is an e-Preschool that delivers inquiry-based preschool learning from the classroom to your home. Our preschool curriculum was created by our talented team of rock star teachers. With years of hands-on preschool and Kindergarten teaching experience, they've developed a high-quality preschool experience that is convenient-to-use and easy-to-teach by you, grandparents, or your nanny at home.

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