Baby Brainpower

Baby Brainpower

Psychology researchers at UC Berkeley and elsewhere are studying children’s incredible capacity and appetite for learning about the world around them. Children are learning all the time, and they do much of this learning during play. In fact, researchers use play as a way to explore and better understand how children think. Alison Gopnik, professor of psychology and UC Berkeley, found that as children play, they are reasoning, making guesses, and solving complicated cognitive problems—problems that computers have trouble solving. Much of what makes children such skilled and powerful learners is their curiosity and creativity, both of which are ignited during play. Want to make learning fun and engaging for your children? Don’t worry, they already know how. So follow their lead and play, because playtime is learning time! Watch this video to learn more about the cognitive development research on baby brainpower at UC Berkeley.


This post was written by Sophie Bridgers.


For more information:

Turgeon, Heather (2011). Baby Brian Power. Babble: Baby. Retrieved April 3, 2013 from

National Science Foundation (2012). Babies Are Born Scientists. National Science Foundation. Retrieved April 3, 2013 from

Goodwyn, S.W., & Acredolo, L. P. (2000).  Baby Minds.  New York:  Bantum Books

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