Things Are Taking Shape: Three Ways to Help Your Child Learn Shapes

Things Are Taking Shape: Three Ways to Help Your Child Learn Shapes

During this year, your child is learning about different shapes, matching them with a shape that’s identical in size and orientation, and then learning to identify a triangle, for example, in any size or shape. She’ll be able to copy these shapes, first by looking at an example of the shape and then doing it by memory. Another shape-related activity you may see your child do this year is combining shapes to make a picture. Think of the classic house made of a square with a triangle on top!

(Playful Bee is launching our new DIY Preschool from Birth program! Click here to enroll.)

Play Tips:

How can you support your child’s development of this Art Foundations skill at this age? It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Build shapes with Popsicle sticks. Use Popsicle sticks to make multi-sided shapes with your child. If you like, color-code them with paint or food coloring, so that each color/shape has the right number of sticks/sides and write the name of the shape on the sticks. For an additional clue, make matching shapes or create a color-coded key on a separate piece of paper.
  2. Make a memory game. To help reinforce the identification of the different shapes, make a shape-themed memory game for your child. Draw or print out different shapes and cut out a circle around them. Laminate or glue them onto a piece of card stock, foam board, or wooden disk. Arrange them face down and take turns flipping over two cards at a time looking for pairs.
  3. Use shapes for art. Cut out a bunch of basic shapes (e.g. circles, squares, triangles) and place them in a bowl. Give your child several pieces of paper, one for each type of shape you cut out. Ask your child to sort the different shapes and make a collage for each shape. Label the collages with the name of the shape.

(Playful Bee is launching our new DIY Preschool from Birth program! Click here to enroll.)

Developmental Milestones:

Has your baby achieved the following Art Foundations developmental milestones yet? If yes, check off all the skill(s) he has already mastered to date using Playful Bee’s developmental milestones tracker. It’s absolutely FREE and easy to use, just click HERE!

  • Copies simple geometric shapes (e.g. triangle).

Playful Bee

Education Team at Playful Bee
Playful Bee is an e-Preschool that delivers inquiry-based preschool learning from the classroom to your home. Our preschool curriculum was created by our talented team of rock star teachers. With years of hands-on preschool and Kindergarten teaching experience, they've developed a high-quality preschool experience that is convenient-to-use and easy-to-teach by you, grandparents, or your nanny at home.

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