Boys Will Be Boys, Girls Will Be Girls: Your Child Is Aware of Gender Differences

Boys Will Be Boys, Girls Will Be Girls: Your Child Is Aware of Gender Differences

Your child has known for a while if she is a boy or a girl, but she is now becoming more aware of it in others, as well as what physically distinguishes males and females. She may be curious about her distinguishing body parts, or those in others, which is perfectly natural at this age. She’s also learning about gender roles, which are behaviors commonly associated with each sex (regardless of how stereotypical they may be!). She may also identify strongly with her own gender, and you may hear her say things like “I want to wear the girl-colored shirt” or “Boys drive trucks.” Again, this is partly what she has observed and partly what she has heard others say. You can let her know that girls can also drive trucks and wear the color blue!

(Playful Bee is launching our new DIY Preschool from Birth program! Click here to enroll.)

Play Tips:

How can you support your child’s development of this Self-Concept skill at this age? It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Encourage all kinds of play. Although most children become aware of gender and gender differences during ages four to five, it is developmentally healthy for children to fully explore a wide range of toys and roles while they play. Try not to discourage certain types of play because it is “boy” or “girl” play, as this can make your child feel ashamed and withdrawn or create negative connotations towards the opposite (or her own) gender.
  2. Talk about the genders of your family members. Talk about members of your family and ask your child to describe the different people. Talk about appearance, jobs, ages, hobbies, etc. Make sure to point out everyone’s similarities as well as their differences.
  3. Read books that show diversity. Show your child that there is actually quite a lot of overlap between the sexes and what they can do. Look for books that show non-stereotypical gender roles, such as stay-at-home dads, female fire fighters, or male nurses. Some good recommendations can be found at and

(Playful Bee is launching our new DIY Preschool from Birth program! Click here to enroll.)

Developmental Milestones:

Has your baby achieved the following Self-Concept developmental milestones yet? If yes, check off all the skill(s) he has already mastered to date using Playful Bee’s developmental milestones tracker. It’s absolutely FREE and easy to use, just click HERE!

  • Is aware of gender and gender differences.

Playful Bee

Education Team at Playful Bee
Playful Bee is an e-Preschool that delivers inquiry-based preschool learning from the classroom to your home. Our preschool curriculum was created by our talented team of rock star teachers. With years of hands-on preschool and Kindergarten teaching experience, they've developed a high-quality preschool experience that is convenient-to-use and easy-to-teach by you, grandparents, or your nanny at home.

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